Showing posts with label corporate responsibility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate responsibility. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Linking Individual Passion with Organizational Purpose @ Net Impact 2017

During the last weekend in October, Atlanta, GA was home to the 25th annual Net Impact Conference. The 2017 edition of this global gathering of students and professionals focused on a theme with great currency of late: finding your "Path to Purpose." The two-and-a-half day program featured riveting keynotes interspersed among panel discussions and workshops that inspired, informed and educated. Available for the choosing were a variety of sessions that delved into individual purpose and those that focused on organizational purpose. But the conference offered much more than that.

As an organization, Net Impact "mobilizes new generations to use their skills and careers to drive transformational social and environmental change" (see Formed as a group of passionate US-based MBA students, just over 25 years ago, the NI reach has extended beyond the graduate level, beyond business and even beyond the nation's borders, with 339 registered chapters in 20 countries across the globe. As a faculty member and adviser to the Rollins MBA chapter, this conference is a fixture on my calendar as a great means to engage with young leaders and top corporations around social and environmental imperatives. 

Here are a few of the experiences that stand out for me from the NI17 conference, captured in images:

Boot Camp: From Design Thinking to Design Doing
Pact's Head of Innovation and Design led us on a brief adventure out into the Downtown Atlanta community, to engage in experiential learning and better understand what it means to design with empathy for end-users needs.
Purpose Across Sectors
Shannon Schuyler, Chief Purpose Officer at PwC, and other top executives explained to us why purpose matters to them and how it's influencing the way they are transforming their companies and industries. Also featured were Seth Goldman, Co-founder of Honest Tea, Aaron Hurst, CEO of Imperative, Cheryl Dorsey, President of Echoing Green and Kevin Cleary, CEO of Clif Bar & Company.
Purpose in Action
Paul Hawken broke down findings from his book "Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming", including the unexpected impact of empowering girls and women, as a major tool in the fight to limit the effects of climate change.
Creating Purpose-Driven Brands
Dave Stangis, VP of Campbell Soup and co-author of "The Executive's Guide to 21st Century Corporate Citizenship", Carol Cone and others discussed how companies can distill their corporate values into a purpose and embed that purpose throughout the company.
Academia and Purpose-Driven Education 
Stuart Hart, Kirsten Craft and Jason Jay discussed re-imagined frameworks that can shape the next generation of purposeful leaders.
Collaboration and the Circular Economy
Leaders from Walmart, Rubicon and other companies discussed the critical role of cross-sector collaboration in moving beyond the "take, make, waste" mindset and towards closed-loop material systems.
Paths to Purpose
Aya Hijazi shared her experiences of being jailed as a dissident in Egypt, along with Kerry Kennedy of the JFK Human Rights organization that helped to free her. Kathryn Finney of digitalundivided shared her story of coming into, and living out of, her own purpose.
See you in Phoenix, AZ, for Net Impact 2018: October 25-27

Saturday, October 21, 2017

"Brands Taking Stands" at COMMIT!Forum 2017

Collage of images from COMMIT!Forum 2017

What do Goodyear, Smithfield Foods, JetBlue and Bank of America have in common? And what can we learn from them?

For two days in mid-October, some 200+ leaders, including several CEOs and heads of corporate social responsibility, gathered together outside Washington, DC to examine how major corporate brands are taking critical stands on social issues. I was a first-time participant in the 2017 COMMIT!Forum, hosted by 3BL Media, which recently acquired CR Magazine and the Corporate Responsibility Association. But, this event was about much more than public relations. This was a CSR practitioner forum, a chance for companies to share best practices and discuss common challenges.

Senior executives from household brands such as GM, Goodyear, Campbell Soup, BofA, JetBlue, and Smithfield Foods, and B2C brands like Mosaic, Leidos, KPMG, AIAG, TerraCycle and NRG, took to the stage in brief keynotes or panel discussions. Even recent startups were represented, by Bevi, a tech-enabled beverage machine provider. Also featured were top consultants, strategists, associations and service providers in the CSR space (like ACCP and BCCCC), sharing emerging trends and recent data. Major keynotes were delivered by the CEOs of St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and Cornerstone Capital. It was great to see the variety in challenges and opportunities these companies have chosen to embrace.

Here are a few examples: Leidos, a global IT and engineering firm, has teamed with the state of Maryland in response to the nation's growing opioid addiction epidemic, sparked by the determination of a single employee and the commitment of an enlightened CEO. Mosaic, a leading fertilizer company with mining and production operations, is tackling watershed contamination (a product end-of-life issue) by developing and incentivizing best practices among users at the end of the value chain. Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork processor and hog producer, unveiled at COMMIT!Forum their new initiative, Smithfield Renewables. In addition to establishing significant environmental impact targets, the company will begin producing methane, from the biodigestion of hog manure, for the generation of electricity; enough to power over 50,000 homes for a year.

Another rich feature on the agenda were the 10 round table discussions on topics such as Materiality Assessment, Sustainable Supply Chains, Integrating the SDGs into Sustainability Strategies, Purpose and Corporate Responsibility and the Neuroscience of Civic Engagement. In these 45-minute sessions, practitioners compared tactics and experiences across varying sectors and levels of maturity of their CSR efforts.

Also of note was the discussion of the auto industry's push towards sustainable supply. Senior leaders from GM, Goodyear and the World Wildlife Fund, representing interests along the tire value chain, sat down to discuss the sourcing of sustainable natural rubber for tires. This past May, GM initiated an effort among suppliers, NGOs and even competitors, that seeks to reduce deforestation of primary forests, while helping natural rubber producers create more value in their product through improved yield and quality. This industry alignment brings to mind the call from Jason Clay, also of the World Wildlife Fund, to "make sustainability a pre-competitive issue".

So overall, COMMIT!Forum 2017 presented an interesting snapshot of major corporations, as they seek to engage in positive ways with stakeholders in their local communities and around the globe. While there is a long way to go, it is encouraging to see these companies grappling with critical issues and taking a broader, long-term view of their responsibility and potential impact.